في طور الإنجاز
En cours
In progress
Activity rate by age group and sex
Activity rate of the population aged 15 and over
Age at first marriage of population aged 15 and over by environment and sex
Aircraft movements by airport and by type of traffic
Area of land titles established following registrations by land conservation and place of residence
Area of land titles established following the fragmentation by land conservation and area of residence
Area of natural forest species
(in hectare)
Area of sugar crops (Sugar beet)
Areas of natural hardwood species
(in hectare)
Areas of natural resinous species
(in hectare)
Average age at first marriage by area of residence and sex
Average distance of rural households to the paved road
Average parity at 45-49 years by area of residence and sex
Average price per m2 covered for new construction by province and by construction category
Average size of households by area of residence
Beds capacity of classified establishments
Building permits issued by urban municipalities by construction category
Building permits issued by urban municipalities by province
built-up area appearing in building permits by construction category
built-up area appearing in building permits by province
Centers for the disabled
Childbirths within public health units
Children benefiting from NPFDD (National Program for the Fight against Diarrheal Diseases)
Consumer price index (CPI) (Base 100 : 2017)
Consumption expenditure Final household per capita
Contribution of regions to national GDP
Contribution of Regions to the National DCFM
Cultivated area of main legumes
(milliers Ha)
Cultivated area of the main cereals
Curative consultations carried out in basic health care centers
Dar Al Mouaten Centers
Dental surgeons : Private sector
Diseases under surveillance in public health units
Distribution of candidates and those admitted to the baccalaureate by gender
(Number and %)
Distribution of households by household waste disposal method and area of residence
Distribution of households by wastewater disposal method and area of residence
Distribution of the active population by area of residence and sex
Distribution of the active population by status in occupation and area of residence
Distribution of the population aged 10 and over by level of education and area of residence
Distribution of the population aged 15 and over by marital status, area of residence and sex and sex
Distribution of the population by five-year age group, area of residence and sex
Distribution of urban households by seniority of housing and area of residence
Doctors of the Royal Armed Forces
Electricity sales
(In millions of Kwh)
Employment rate
Estimated value appearing in building permits by construction category
(Thousands DH)
Estimated value appearing in building permits by province
(Thousands DH)
Evolution of the number of beneficiaries of Reception Centers
Exports of industrial units products
(Thousands of DH)
Fertility rate of women of childbearing age by five-year age group and area of residence
Floor area mentioned in building permits by construction category
Floor area mentioned in building permits by province
Freight traffic at ports open to rail traffic
(In thousands of tonnes)
Frequently used cooking mode by area of residence
high school teachers qualifying
Household final consumption expenditure
(in millions of DH)
Households by area of residence
Households by type of housing and area of residence
Housing occupancy rate by area of residence
Illiteracy rate by age group area of residence and sex
Illiteracy rate of the population aged 10 and over by sex and area of residence
Investment of industrial units
(Thousands of DH)
Kindergarten activities
Land conservation 's Revenue
(Thousands of DH)
Landings in value of coastal fishery products
(In thousands of DH)
Landings of inshore fishery products in quantity
(In tonnes)
Literacy spaces
Literate population of 10 years and over by language read and written, area of residence and sex
Livestock number (Cattle, Sheep, Goats)
(in thousands of heads)
Local languages used (non-exclusive) by area of residence and sex
Long Term Affection Expenses
(Thousands of Dirham)
Medical consultations in public hospitals
Medicine research professors
Municipal population by five-year age group, area of residence and sex
Municipal population by five-year age group, area of residence and sex (en%)
Municipal population by functional age group, area of residence and sex
Municipal population by functional age group, area of residence and sex (%)
Net activity rate by sex and area of residence
Nombre de préfectures
Number of arrivals in establishments classified by type of tourism
Number of beds
Number of beneficiaries of Long-Term Affection expenses
Number of cadastral plans drawn up by the cadastre services, by land conservation and area of residence
Number of children benefiting from INP (Immunization National Program)
Number of Circles
Number of classes in the public sector by area of residence
Number of classes in the public sector by area of residence
Number of classified establishments
Number of college students in the private sector by sex
Number of Communes by place of residence
Number of doctors
Number of doctors by sector
Number of draft animals
(in thousands of heads)
Number of driver's license issued by test center and gender
Number of dwellings listed in building permits by construction category
Number of dwellings listed in building permits by province
Number of education and training centers
Number of elementary students in the pubic sector by area of residence and sex
number of establishments by place of residence in the public sector
Number of establisments in the public sector by area of residence
number of etablisments in the private sector in secondary education
number of etablisments in the private sector in secondary education qualifying
Number of Grade 6 students in the public sector by area of residence and sex
Number of high school students in the public sector by area of residence and sex
Number of industrial establishments
Number of insured and entitled persons
Number of land titles established following fragmentation by area of residence and by land conservation
Number of land titles issued following registrations by land conservation and area of residence
number of members in cooperative organizations
Number of modern and public pre-school educators
number of modern and public preschoolers by sex
Number of mortgages registered by land conservation and place of residence
Number of mothers receiving pregnancy and childbirth follow-up
Number of new entrants in primary first grade of the public sector by area of residence and sex
Number of primary health care establishments
Number of primary schools in public sector by area of residence
Number of primary schools in the private sector
Number of private sector teachers by sex
Number of provinces
Number of public hospitals
Number of rooms in building permits by construction category
Number of rooms in building permits by province
Number of rooms in the public sector by area of residence
Number of rooms in the public sector by area of residence
Number of satellite schools in the public sector by area of residence
number of students by sex and place of residence in the public sector
Number of students doubling in the first year in the public sector by area of residence and sex
Number of students doubling in the third year in the public sector by area of residence and sex
number of students in preparatory classes for high scool
Number of students in primary in the private sector by sex
Number of students in the first grade in the public sector by area of residence and sex
number of students in the private sector by level, branch and sex
number of students in the private sector by sex
Number of students in the third grade in the public sector by area of residence and sex
Number of subscribers to the National Office of Electricity and Drinking Water
number of traditional preschool educators
number of traditional preschoolers by sex
Number of trainees by level in the Public sector
Number of vehicles registered by registration center and by vehicle type
Number of women receiving family planning benefits
Patient movements in public hospitals
(Day, Entrance)
Percentage of singles aged from 15 to 29 years by five-year age group, area of residence and sex
permanent employees
permanent teaching staff at university by grade
permanent university teaching staff by gender
Population by activity, area of residence and sex
Population by housing type and area of residence
Population by level of education, area of residence and sex
Population by local languages used and sex
Population by local languages used and sex (en %)
Population by marital status, area of residence and sex
Population of 10 years and over by language read and written and sex
Population of 10 years and over by language read and written and sex (en %)
Prevalence rate of disability by area of residence and sex
primary teacher trainees
Production of industrial units
(Thousands of DH)
Production of sugar crops (Sugar beet)
(thousands of hundredweight)
Production of the main cereals
Production of the main legumes
Proportion of households with basic housing facilities by area of residence
Proportion of households with certain household equipment by area of residence
Public hospital bed occupancy statistics
(Rate, Day)
Public hospital laboratory activities
Reforested area
(in hectare)
Regional Gross Domestic Product by sectors of activity
Regional Gross Domestic Product per capita
Requisitions filed 's area by land conservation and area of residence
sales of water by the National Office of Electricity and Drinking Water to distribution boards
School enrollment rate for children aged 7 to 12
Sea freight traffic by commercial port and type of movement
(Thousands of tonnes)
Singles rate at 55 by area of residence and sex
Social Protection Institutions
Sports facilities
students atuniversity by establishment and nationality in the public sector
students by level, branch and sex in the public sector
students by university and sex in the public sector
success rate in baccalaureate exams by branch
Summer camp participants (Summer activities)
supervision rate by type of preschool
teaching staff by place of residence and sex
teaching staff by place of residence in the public sector
The Value of mortgages registered by land conservation and area of residence
(Thousands of DH)
Total fertility rate by area of residence and sex
(The number of children per woman)
Tourist overnight stays in classified establishments
Turnover of industrial units
(thousands of DH)
Unemployment rate
Unemployment rate by age group
Unemployment rate by degree
Value Added for industrial units
(Thousands of DH)
water production by the National Office of Electricity and Drinking Water
Women's Club Activities
Yousoufia Cooperatives of the Paralytics and Alaouite Organizations for the Protection of the Blind
Youth Center Activities
List of provinces of MS